Meeting Time: January 16, 2018 at 7:25pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. ORD - Deferred To January 16, 2018: from October 16: Public Hearing is Closed - Zoning Text Amendment #DPA2016-00019, Buffers - To amend Secs. 32-250.31, 32-250.32, 32-404.04, and 32-800.11 pertaining to buffer requirements. The amendment provides flexibility for compliance with buffer standards for non-residential lots of three acres or less, permits waivers and modifications of buffer requirements at the time of rezoning or Special Use Permit approval, and permits flexibility for compliance with buffer standards in planned development districts – Countywide – Rebecca Horner – Planning

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    Janet Doyle almost 7 years ago

    All buffer waivers, modifications (trails, sidewalk, etc.) of buffers must be approved upon public hearings before the PC and BOCS. Approval by the Planning Dir. or Development Services Dir. denies the public their right to know what changes to buffers that may adversely impact their property are proposed in their area. "Streamlining" government should NEVER take away the "right of the public to know" and "to be heard" on any proposed modifications that may adversely impact their property.

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    Bruce Doyle almost 7 years ago

    Sec.32-250.32.2Parallel utility easements may be located w/in buffer areas. Perpendicular utility easements shall not be located within any buffer WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Same for 32-800.11.6. Perpendicular utility crossings within easements cause greater flooding to downhill properties.