A. ORD - Proffer Amendment and Rezoning #REZ2018-00001, Ashwood Addition - To amend the proffers of #REZ2017-00012 to revise floodplain, open space, and landscaping locations on the rezoning plan, add additional land area, and incorporate additional technical revisions; and to rezone ±1.09 acres from A-1, Agricultural, to M-2, Light Industrial. The ±98.97-acre site is located on the south side of the Prince William Parkway (Route 234), approx. 3,000 feet south of its intersection with Nokesville Rd. The site is identified on County maps as GPIN 7695-50-2691 and includes VDOT right-of-way; is zoned M-2, Light Industrial, and A-1, Agricultural; and is designated FEC, Flexible Use Employment Center, and ER, Environmental Resource, in the Comprehensive Plan. The property also falls within the Airport Safety, the Flood Hazard, and the Data Center Opportunity Overlay Districts - Coles Magisterial District – Meika Daus - Planning