I am offended as a PWC resident that my government would show special pride towards a segment of society. It is discriminating to me as a straight gender female. What happened to my pride? Please vote NO!
Bullying month instead? This country has been under attack by bullying of all minorities of every kind to include race, gender, religion and sexual orientation. Why focus on just one group this month? Lets make this month about being respectful to ALL groups, all people and take pride in knowing we care enough to care about everyone and put the brakes on bullying. We are such a diverse country, how can we limit to just 12 groups to be proud of to fit in 12 months? Just my two cents.
Dear Members of the BOCS,
I would like to express my objection to the resolution to declare June as LGBTQ+ month. We should not dedicate a month to celebrate a numerically small group whose lifestyle and views directly oppose natural and normal marriage of man and woman, and that seeks to eradicate the unique and heretofore protected nuclear family, which is the foundation of society. We should treat LGBTQ+ individuals with true charity but should not celebrate or condone their lifestyle.
Please stick with making this County an efficient place to reside. There is NO benefit to the cost of this proposal! Prince William County has some excellent programs in place; let's work on more of those rather than on frivolous spending of our monies. It is not the County's job nor it's responsibility to recognize groups of people who choose a certain behavior! Please let us know who is responsible for this proposal so that we may be more careful with our future elected officials.
Please do not pass this resolution. It would constitute an official endorsement, on behalf of all residents of Prince William County, of behavior and values which many residents, for sound reasons, do not endorse. Thank you.
By setting the LGBTQ population apart from the general population of PWC, the board is encouraging division in the county. I thought this county was trying to be inclusive! This will not encourage acceptance of this tiny minority!!
This measure should be opposed by every Supervisor and conscientious member of the county community. Contrary to the mandate of equality, this proclamation is clearly divisive, anti-diverse and anti-inclusive. No one socio-subgroup should be separated and identified as odd by edict of the government like this. This resolution only serves as a blatant attempt to create a government proclamation akin to "separate but equal," a far cry from equality or fairness.
America was founded a Christian nation and I do not want my 7 Virginia resident grandchildren being taught to celebrate the abomination for which God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrha. It is not loving to subject our children to that which is both physically and spiritually unhealthy. Marty Nohe please vote NO on this ill advised proposal!
I strongly support proclaiming June as Pride month in PWC. It is long past time for us to acknowledge the existence, importance and contributions of the LGBTQIA+ community in PWC. They are parents and children, friends and neighbors, teachers and students, coworkers and employers, and representatives to the General Assembly. This is a simple act that would mean a lot to those of us who know, love and support members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
I have a step son that was emotionally abused. He said every time he sees a woman he sees his abuser. He said men are safer and embraced homosexuality. When I see a pride flag I mourn his abuse. I do not rejoice. Please consider honoring this month as Anti-bullying/abuse month. Or maybe call it celebrate summer month. I have compassion and love for the LGBT community. Please consider labeling the month something that we can all stand behind or don’t label it at all.
I strongly support the resolution to proclaim June to be celebrated as PRIDE month in PWC. We are a community that welcomes and celebrates diversity, and we recognize the impact and contributions of out LGBTQ neighbors, friends, and family. It is time to declare proudly that June is LGBTQ Pride month!
Join the rest of our nation in acknowledging June as LGBTQ Month in Prince William County. As representatives of ALL our residents, it is essential that you recognize that the LGBTQ community is OUR community, that deserves to live without fear and as an integral part our lives. As the daughter of a gay man who for too many decades lived in the shadows, I only wish that his town, his county and state would have provided him with the freedom and the acknowledgement to be who he was.
It is time for our own BOCS to step up and proclaim June as Pride Month. This goes to let everyone we know our friends, allies, our own family and anyone else we meet in our daily life that they are loved. It also will help teach people that may fear that it is a normal thing to show love to everyone.
It is time. Time to recognize the contributions of all members of the community. These are not strangers we haven't seen or don't know. These are our allies, our friends, our loved ones, our neighbors, ours kids, the guy who let us turn left while blocking traffic, the lady who held open the door, taught our kids, gave us our treatment to save our lives, the kid who cuts our grass, the teenager who helped serve the homeless, the man who held a sign, the judge who helped an addict, all we LOVE.
Deleted User
over 6 years ago
your rules and regulations are very fair and anyone who does not abide by them should be evicted from the community as soon as possible. <a href="https://www.assignmentgeek.com.au/">www.assignmentgeek.com.au</a> is so free of vulgarity and really makes me proud. I am glad you respect everybody irrespective of their gender.
It costs nothing. It harms no one. It works to lift up members of our community who have been treated as second-class citizens. It makes us feel we can invite others into Prince William County without being afraid of being who they are. And it helps our kids who are questioning or coming to grips with their own sexuality feel less stigmatized. Everyone does better when everyone feels welcome.
Please name this month after something that is supportive of everyone in the community or don’t name it at all
I am offended as a PWC resident that my government would show special pride towards a segment of society. It is discriminating to me as a straight gender female. What happened to my pride? Please vote NO!
Bullying month instead? This country has been under attack by bullying of all minorities of every kind to include race, gender, religion and sexual orientation. Why focus on just one group this month? Lets make this month about being respectful to ALL groups, all people and take pride in knowing we care enough to care about everyone and put the brakes on bullying. We are such a diverse country, how can we limit to just 12 groups to be proud of to fit in 12 months? Just my two cents.
Dear Members of the BOCS,
I would like to express my objection to the resolution to declare June as LGBTQ+ month. We should not dedicate a month to celebrate a numerically small group whose lifestyle and views directly oppose natural and normal marriage of man and woman, and that seeks to eradicate the unique and heretofore protected nuclear family, which is the foundation of society. We should treat LGBTQ+ individuals with true charity but should not celebrate or condone their lifestyle.
Please stick with making this County an efficient place to reside. There is NO benefit to the cost of this proposal! Prince William County has some excellent programs in place; let's work on more of those rather than on frivolous spending of our monies. It is not the County's job nor it's responsibility to recognize groups of people who choose a certain behavior! Please let us know who is responsible for this proposal so that we may be more careful with our future elected officials.
Please do not pass this resolution. It would constitute an official endorsement, on behalf of all residents of Prince William County, of behavior and values which many residents, for sound reasons, do not endorse. Thank you.
By setting the LGBTQ population apart from the general population of PWC, the board is encouraging division in the county. I thought this county was trying to be inclusive! This will not encourage acceptance of this tiny minority!!
This measure should be opposed by every Supervisor and conscientious member of the county community. Contrary to the mandate of equality, this proclamation is clearly divisive, anti-diverse and anti-inclusive. No one socio-subgroup should be separated and identified as odd by edict of the government like this. This resolution only serves as a blatant attempt to create a government proclamation akin to "separate but equal," a far cry from equality or fairness.
America was founded a Christian nation and I do not want my 7 Virginia resident grandchildren being taught to celebrate the abomination for which God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrha. It is not loving to subject our children to that which is both physically and spiritually unhealthy. Marty Nohe please vote NO on this ill advised proposal!
I strongly support proclaiming June as Pride month in PWC. It is long past time for us to acknowledge the existence, importance and contributions of the LGBTQIA+ community in PWC. They are parents and children, friends and neighbors, teachers and students, coworkers and employers, and representatives to the General Assembly. This is a simple act that would mean a lot to those of us who know, love and support members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
I have a step son that was emotionally abused. He said every time he sees a woman he sees his abuser. He said men are safer and embraced homosexuality. When I see a pride flag I mourn his abuse. I do not rejoice. Please consider honoring this month as Anti-bullying/abuse month. Or maybe call it celebrate summer month. I have compassion and love for the LGBT community. Please consider labeling the month something that we can all stand behind or don’t label it at all.
Please see my email to the supervisors in regards to this resolution. I am in full support of it, and it's been long overdue.
I strongly support the resolution to proclaim June to be celebrated as PRIDE month in PWC. We are a community that welcomes and celebrates diversity, and we recognize the impact and contributions of out LGBTQ neighbors, friends, and family. It is time to declare proudly that June is LGBTQ Pride month!
Join the rest of our nation in acknowledging June as LGBTQ Month in Prince William County. As representatives of ALL our residents, it is essential that you recognize that the LGBTQ community is OUR community, that deserves to live without fear and as an integral part our lives. As the daughter of a gay man who for too many decades lived in the shadows, I only wish that his town, his county and state would have provided him with the freedom and the acknowledgement to be who he was.
It is time for our own BOCS to step up and proclaim June as Pride Month. This goes to let everyone we know our friends, allies, our own family and anyone else we meet in our daily life that they are loved. It also will help teach people that may fear that it is a normal thing to show love to everyone.
It is time. Time to recognize the contributions of all members of the community. These are not strangers we haven't seen or don't know. These are our allies, our friends, our loved ones, our neighbors, ours kids, the guy who let us turn left while blocking traffic, the lady who held open the door, taught our kids, gave us our treatment to save our lives, the kid who cuts our grass, the teenager who helped serve the homeless, the man who held a sign, the judge who helped an addict, all we LOVE.
your rules and regulations are very fair and anyone who does not abide by them should be evicted from the community as soon as possible. <a href="https://www.assignmentgeek.com.au/">www.assignmentgeek.com.au</a> is so free of vulgarity and really makes me proud. I am glad you respect everybody irrespective of their gender.
It costs nothing. It harms no one. It works to lift up members of our community who have been treated as second-class citizens. It makes us feel we can invite others into Prince William County without being afraid of being who they are. And it helps our kids who are questioning or coming to grips with their own sexuality feel less stigmatized. Everyone does better when everyone feels welcome.