D. ORD - Proffer Amendment #REZ2018-00017, Bethlehem Road Proffer Amendment - To amend the existing proffers pursuant to #REZ2016-00020, to move the limits of clearing and grading, relocate the underground stormwater management pond, and allow for a water decantation and filtration use by special use permit. The ±18.09 acre site is located at 7512 and 7526 Bethlehem Rd., approx. 1000 feet south of the intersection of Bethlehem Rd. & Balls Ford Rd. The site is identified on County maps as GPINs 7597-72-7231 & 7597-71-9988; is zoned M-1, Heavy Industrial; and is designated FEC, Flexible Employment Center, in the Comprehensive Plan. The property is also located within the Airport Safety Overlay District, and the Data Center Overlay District. (Concurrently processed with #SUP2018-00024) - Gainesville Magisterial District – Keasha Hall - Planning