Meeting Time: June 18, 2019 at 1:55pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C. Discussion of Bond Referendum Question and Review of Draft Resolution – Chairman Stewart

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    Daniel Foose over 5 years ago

    Since 2003, our school system has ranked at or just above the bottom of the region for per-pupil funding. Overcrowding has been exasperated by residential development approved over time by the BOCS. If local tax dollars are going to be used toward millions of dollars of new bonds, it would be a wise compromise to prioritize only the most beneficial transportation and parks projects so that the rest could expedite our school system’s CIP to reduce trailers and increase school capacity.

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    Anand Desai over 5 years ago

    Please reconsider the indoor sportsplex, aquatics center and field house or at least make them a separate referendum. Citizens overwhelmingly favored parks and trails in the Needs Assessment. Yet $150 of the $200 million - as much as two high schools and hundreds per household per year in debt service alone - is for this wish list with no studies or estimates about selection, cost, or demand. After Schools' pool loses tens of dollars a visit. Full public-records reports at