Meeting Time: March 10, 2020 at 2:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

P. RES – Authorize – Execution of a Standard Project Agreement Between the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and Prince William County for the I-66 Commuter Choice Program; and Budget and Appropriate $200,000 to the I-66 Corridor Education Outreach Project – Various Magisterial Districts – Ricardo Canizales, Transportation

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    Kalai Kandasamy almost 5 years ago

    Include slugging to the out reach materials. About 4,000 PW county residents use slugging as their primary mode of commute along I-95 corridor. The new University Blvd. lot is currently underutilized and slugging can help reduce single occupancy vehicles. the letter from members of Northern Virginia Congressional delegation to the Washington Headquarters Services section of the Pentagon to create slug pickup locations for I-66 Corridor.