Meeting Time: March 31, 2020 at 2:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

D. RES – Waive – Board of County Supervisors’ Rules of Procedure to Remove Public Comment Time Under Section F(4) at All Board Meetings Until the Board Takes Further Action to Reinstate Public Comment Time

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    Magally Hurtado almost 5 years ago

    Public needs to be able to voice their concerns. In times of crisis, we need to trust our BOCS more than in regular times. Removing public comment completely would achieve the exact opposite of that by fostering a perception of lack of transparency

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    Alan Alborn almost 5 years ago

    Good idea. Suggest you leave this vehicle in place after the emergency passes. It doesn’t have to replace citizen time; l however, it would certainly allow more people to weigh in. 

I “Voted” support; however, I was required to make a comment to submit my vote. Suggest to change the software to allow only a vote. Sometimes weighing in on an issue, a “de facto” referendum, is enough. I hope to se more of that.

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    Lisa Schumann almost 5 years ago

    If public can attend they should be able to comment. If they cannot attend, there shouldn’t be a meeting. The BOCS should not have a meeting to make decisions that affect the public if the public cannot speak and be heard.