Meeting Time: March 31, 2020 at 2:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

5. Public Comment Time

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    Lisa Schumann almost 5 years ago

    Here is the digital copy of my petition so that you the supervisors can see the authenticity of the petition I would like to present you during today’s meeting. Please note how many community members wish a motion to reconsider on the Devlin Road project. Thank you!

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    Amy Poole almost 5 years ago

    I am writing with much disappointment with the outcome of your vote on Devlin Road. I am pleased that a few of you listened to your voters- but am shocked that others did not. Your constituents asked you to NOT approve this development. We asked you for good reasons, too. However, you did not listen. Please, please, please take time to listen to your citizens and the needs of the county. Please vote with a clear conscience- by doing the right thing. Please recall the vote and make this right.

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    Jim Mathieu almost 5 years ago

    Respectfully request the board extend the school academic year. As the students will most likely be in a virtual status, they should be given every opportunity to fill in the gaps of the academic losses to date. We owe our students every minute of academic excellence; these are extraordinary measures in unprecedented times. It’s a hard decision, but the right decision as leaders devoted educators to our community. Please ensure our students have all the tools needed to succeed.

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    Margie Mason almost 5 years ago

    Currently, to my knowledge, there are no waivers or extensions for renters who stay in the properties of non-government backed loan properties. Many people who are not able to work will not be able to pay their rent or utilities and local organizations cannot handle the masses of those in need. Is there any help for these people or will the non-government backed loan properties be ordered to waive rent for tenants that show they are unemployed?

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    Sammoto Yomosa almost 5 years ago

    The only real way citizens of Prince William County can receive transparency is to have the C.A.B. selected by the PWC Board of Supervisors. Each supervisor should choose one person from their district, and the chairperson should select two individuals countywide.