Meeting Time: April 28, 2020 at 7:30pm EDT
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Agenda Item

A. RES – Adopt – Fiscal Year 2021 Real Estate Property Tax Levy, Fire Levy, Personal Property Tax Levies, Business, Professional, and Occupation License Tax Levies, Personal Property Tax Relief, Special District Levies, and Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Fees to Support the Fiscal Year 2021 All Fund Budget

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    SR Hrst almost 5 years ago

    It’s vital to keep the actual tax flat!
    So many county residents are economically being hit hard.
    It’s no time to raise the tax burden on our county’s citizens.

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    Marie Hoerst almost 5 years ago

    I oppose adopting any budget for Fiscal Year 2021 that includes implementing an increase in Real Estate Property Tax, Personal Property Tax or any other type of tax or fee. Especially under the circumstances, the 2021 budget should be a 'flat tax' budget year. Make it work.

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    Joyce Hudson almost 5 years ago

    This is not a good time to introduce a tax increase for residents who are extremely anxious during this current crisis, especially those with limited resources. This sends a message that our leaders do not empathize with those who elected them. A more balanced approach is needed. Businesses should shoulder more of the burden, specifically data centers, not overly taxed property owners. The prolific data center industry should pay their fair share. What % do they pay vs property owners?

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    Barbara Dodge almost 5 years ago

    Oppose the increase in all property taxes and fees during this pandemic and also because we are on fixed income and cannot afford increases in taxes as we do not receive any increase in income to cover them.

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    Kyle McMillan almost 5 years ago

    I am an electrician and a proud member of IBEW Local Union 26. I want to congratulate and thank Chairwoman Ann Wheeler and the new county supervisors for adopting a budget without laying off any public servants. It should not take a pandemic to realize how essential public employees are to our well-being. I support a small tax increase and have been contacting our congressional representatives imploring them to provide money to states and localities to pay public employees as well

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    Bill Garry almost 5 years ago

    I totally oppose any increase in taxes due to fact our state's businesses, school systems etc. are shutdown, people have lost jobs or had their salaries reduced. Stafford County has kept a flat tax rate, as have other neighboring counties, if not reducing the tax rate. PWC residents and taxpayers need leadership the most in these times and by voting to raise taxes shows no leadership and a total disrespect of We the People.

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    Michelle Turner almost 5 years ago

    I am asking you to not raise any taxes for Prince William county at this time. You need to think about the welfare and financial state of the people in your county. Some have lost jobs, been laid off, hours cut and for small business owners like me, don't have the business we normally do. We are all trying to watch what we spend, but it will take months to get back to where we aren't going to be living paycheck to paycheck. Please take this off of the agenda until next year. Thank you!

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    Jeff Porter almost 5 years ago

    I think we should adopt the tax levy to support the Fiscal Year 21budget.

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    Jaimie Rose almost 5 years ago

    I can not believe you all would even consider raising taxes at a time like this. THOUSANDS are out of work, people don’t know how they are going to be paying bills and putting food on the table..and you want to raise taxes?!!

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    Lisa Schumann almost 5 years ago

    Please do not raise taxes! Do not kick the people when they are down! Raising taxes during a pandemic is heartless! I am sure your vote will make all the local papers. Everyone has time to read right now. Please give them some positive news!

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    Aurora Belle almost 5 years ago

    Do not raise taxes, especially at this time? I can’t believe this is even a discussion.