Meeting Time: May 19, 2020 at 1:55pm EDT
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Agenda Item

A. RES – Approve and Find for the May 19, 2020 Board Meeting that the Usual Board Meeting Procedures Cannot be Implemented Safely or Practically; and (A) All Agenda Items are Necessary to Address the Attack, Emergency, Crisis, or Disaster, and the Failure to Act on These Agenda Items Could Result in Irrevocable Harm; (B) All Agenda Items are Necessary and Essential to Assure the Continuity of County Government; and (C) The Nature of the Declared Emergency Makes it Impracticable or Unsafe for the Board to Assemble in a Single Location, and the Purpose of the Meeting is to Discuss or Transact the Business Statutorily Required or Necessary to Continue Operations of the Board and the Discharge of its Lawful Purposes, Duties, and Responsibilities

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    Lezlie Lamb over 4 years ago

    I support my elected officials modeling CDC recommendations. The State General Assembly has supported this as well and passed a statute to enable remote public meetings for continuity of operation. I don't expect my elected officials to risk exposure when there is an adequate alternative.

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    Steve Dixon over 4 years ago

    As a practical matter all activities, both public and private, should be modified to conform to the best available procedures to maximize safety in difficult times. Fortunately, the BOCS can safely meet remotely due to modern communications systems. I can see no loss to PWC and its citizens in doing so. Issues, responsibilities, and results are not impacted; only the process mechanics change. A minor inconvenience if there is any difficulty at all.

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    Joshua Karicher over 4 years ago

    If I am deemed essential and have to risk my safety and the safety fo my family I expect my elected officials to do the same. Coming together in a public forum is a tradition this country was founded on. Anything less than that is a dereliction of duty to the citizens that entrusted this body to represent them.