Meeting Time: July 14, 2020 at 2:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

F. RES – Endorse – Recommended Route 28 Bypass Project Location (Alternative 2B); Authorize the Execution of a Standard Project Agreement Between Prince William County and the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority for the Route 28 Bypass Project (Northern Virginia Transportation Authority Project #2018-032-3); Budget and Appropriate $89,000,000 to be Reimbursed with Fiscal Year 2018-2023 70% Northern Virginia Transportation Authority Funds – Brentsville, Coles, and Gainesville Magisterial Districts – Ricardo Canizales, Transportation

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    Kas Hayes over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose selecting Alternative 2B for the following reasons:
    Purpose - This route is positioned to only benefit the out-of-county employees of Micron. The bypass is a direct link between Micron and I-66.
    Environment - Flat Branch is a flood plain supporting many plants and animals.
    USACE - They have declined this route twice before.
    I support Alternative 4 with added public transit options. No public transit forces local residents to drive to local business. These cars can be reduced.