Meeting Time: April 16, 2020 at 7:30pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

A. School Board Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Presentation – Prince William County Schools, Dr. Babur B. Lateef, Chairman of the Prince William School Board

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    KIMBERLEE SHORT almost 5 years ago

    Please provide an account for mobile capability(# of laptop/tablets per student) for each school? What is the educational delivery status for each school during this crisis? Will our students be behind after being out of school for so long and what is the plan to ensure they complete their education for this school year.

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    Guy Morgan almost 5 years ago

    The BOCS must ask Dr. Lateef if Dr. Walts is the right person to administer the PWCS budget. Putting aside Dr. Walts's PUBLIC activity on Twitter (which is troubling), his PRIVATE Twitter activity includes MORE THAN 10,000 messages over the last 18 months. The direct messaging activity includes multiple Twitter texts to teenage girls, including a particularly disturbing exchange between him and a 14-year-old girl late at night, where he tries to set a 1-on-1 meeting with her. Can we trust PWCS?

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    Denis Muskat almost 5 years ago

    The proposed school budget should be reviewed to determine areas of reduction. In difficult economic times, budgets cannot be approved based on increases from last year or additions of new untested programs or facilities. Budgets should be reduced as necessary to fit the current economic crisis.. Supervisor/administrative salaries may need to be cut or reduced as many other organizations are doing to meet the "new reality" of reduced revenues (that is, potential property tax reductions).

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    George Harris almost 5 years ago

    I support the School,Board budget to include the funding for expected new students. PWC is last or next to last ehen it comes to spending on students. Cutting spending on our schools is like eating our seed corn. Our young people are our future-we need them to be prepared to handle a complex new world, particularly as we readjustvto the future after this pandemic.

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    Jim Di Manto almost 5 years ago

    I am opposed to any budget increase when families are trying to get through this stressful high unemployment time. You should be looking for ways to cut taxes especially when the county has a $26 million revenue above last year's budget.