Meeting Time: February 16, 2021 at 2:00pm EST
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Agenda Item

A. PRESENTATION – Proposed Fiscal Year 2022 Budget – Christopher E. Martino, County Executive

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    Anand Desai almost 4 years ago

    Any budget increases during the pandemic should focus on specific, urgent and generally temporary needs, NOT on growing government and salaries for upper-middle-class (and some downright wealthy) managers who now benefit from telework and much cheaper mortgages to boot.

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    Donald Meckley almost 4 years ago

    Unjustified tax increases are never good, Recommending tax increases now with COVID and the impact of my PWC citizens is NOT the time. I would recommend combing through the budget and see where funds can reallocated or even cut, before recommending a tax increase. This money belongs to the PWC citizens not the Government.