At the only public hearing Citizens were told that the Brentsville 234 interchange project on Hallowed Brentsville Road ground would be reviewed prior to changes made on Brentsville Road and the Pedestrian/bicycle path, but Construction is occurring! This non-requested, no-bid accepted proposal, is also dangerous to residents and Homeowners trying to turn on to private roads off BR. This project isn't considering how local residents feel about the danger and pacifies only some drivers.
At the only public hearing Citizens were told that the Brentsville 234 interchange project on Hallowed Brentsville Road ground would be reviewed prior to changes made on Brentsville Road and the Pedestrian/bicycle path, but Construction is occurring! This non-requested, no-bid accepted proposal, is also dangerous to residents and Homeowners trying to turn on to private roads off BR. This project isn't considering how local residents feel about the danger and pacifies only some drivers.