Meeting Time: August 02, 2022 at 1:45pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3.V) Budget and Appropriate - $12,500,000 of General Revenues from the Local Share of Sales Tax on Groceries for Fiscal Year 2023 to Fund One-Time Bonuses for all Full-Time, Part-Time, and Seasonal / Temporary / Provisional County Employees from the County's Share of the Local Grocery Tax of $5,346,250 and Transfer the School Division's Share of $7,153,750 to the School Operating Fund - Michelle Attreed, Finance

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    Dr Steve Pleickhardt over 2 years ago

    We have teachers in PWC begging for money on to buy needed items for their classrooms- I suggest those employees come first for a $1000.00 Bonus for their students. I don't believe that County employees should be given any bonuses when so many of the residents are dealing with high utility/food/gas bills- give all the residents in PWC a tax rebate to alleviate their suffering from this current inflation cycle.