Meeting Time: November 01, 2022 at 7:30pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3.A) Comprehensive Plan Amendment #CPA2021-00004, PW Digital Gateway Plan - Gainesville Magisterial District -  Alexander Vanegas / Bryce Barrett, Planning

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    Melinda Nash over 2 years ago

    The fact that the BOCS is even considering a plan that puts profit over safe drinking water for its own citizens is insanity. I vehemently oppose this disastrous plan not only for this, but also for the appalling BOCS conflicts of interest with data centers, as well as the negative impacts on biodiversity, historic burial grounds, national parks, and the environment as a whole. Stop only listening to people whose financial gain will come to them at an unquantifiable cost for the rest of us.

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    Katie Cavanaugh over 2 years ago

    Please vote no. I am a tech girl and was originally in support, but have changed my mind as I continue to research. There are too many environmental factors to consider prior to making a decision that will impact the vitality and safety of our community for generations to come. Please consider the legacy of service you intend to be remembered by.

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    joe ripley over 2 years ago

    Joe Ripley as a local government employee I find the absence of ethics by some of the board members very disappointing. I know that i have a code of conduct and ethics training that I take to be a good and ethical public servant. It also troubles me about the incomplete financial disclosure forms that are online. I also am angry as a resident of the Gainesville district that we have no vote or say in the area, we call home.
    The sellers will be long gone and not affected by this change.

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    Ellen Randel over 2 years ago

    Please vote YES for PWDG!! No to more houses with traffic, noise and air pollution. No to more water pollution from runoff from fertilizer from lawns and golf courses. No to higher taxes on the backs of residents!! Vote yes to the PWDG smart growth by containing light industrial/data centers to near the power lines and with mitigation measures. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to benefit ALL residents of PWC before other jurisdictions take away from us. VOTE YES!!!

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    Terrance Watkins over 2 years ago

    My wife and I are very much against the PWDG plan. The county should not consider any plan to place Data Centers close to any residential areas or schools. Approval would clearly show the Board has no regard for the residents of this county and only cares about the tax revenue which can't even be clearly defined. The board should worry about the home values and the noise created by the PWDG. Also the impact to the environment which has not been properly studied. Ann Wheeler should be removed.

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    Yolanda Bell over 2 years ago

    I support the PW Digital Gateway Plan. The noise from the digital centers will be less than the noise from Jiffy Lube Live which is quite disturbing. I am appalled that my fellow Heritage Hunt residents are attempting to tell Pageland owners what they can do with their own property. I can pretty much guarantee that HH residents would throw a major hissy fit it anyone tried to tell them they could not sell their property. Please pass the PW Digital Gateway Plan it will be good for the County.

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    Mary Winsky over 2 years ago

    I have been in Maine for four months. I expected to return to Gainesville and see this disastrous plan for the Pageland area gone for all the environmental and historical and economic reasons that have surfaced. Indeed all summer one informed group after another condemned it. And now tonight I read the Wheeler newsletter that leads me to think you might approve it. Really. Shame on you and the destruction this will cause. It is WRONG.

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    Stephanie Feaman over 2 years ago

    Concerns about the potential to harm the watershed is a good reason to oppose the PW Digital Gateway Plan. Pushing forward to avoid further delays lacks regard for wildlife, the environment, and ultimately the health of the people who live in PWC. Years from now when the ill effects of a polluted environment kills wildlife and people - it will be too late to regain what's lost. A chance further development might be detrimental to all living things in Prince William County is a reason to oppose.