Meeting Time: March 21, 2023 at 2:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

12.A) The Purpose of this Public Hearing is to Obtain Public Input on the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Budget

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    Mitchel Martin almost 2 years ago

    I oppose the FY 2024 Annual Budget. Although I appreciate the "Real Estate Tax Rate Reduction" it's not really a decrease to the benefit of the Citizens. Yes, the "Rate" is less than 2022 but property assessments increased 9% meaning higher property taxes on the "Citizens". The Organization Chart implies the BOCS reports to the "Citizens" but for years the Citizens have asked/begged for smaller increases to the budget and less spending, but BOCS does the opposite? I would lose my job.

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    George Dodge almost 2 years ago

    The exorbitant increase in the BOCS salaries is a slap in the face of the taxpaying county residents. While the BOCS fails to listen to the majority of county citizens that come before the board, some members are ready to give themselves pay increases that well exceed the pay raises of the members of the public. It shows just where the priorities of these supervisors lie. With their own pocketbooks at the expense of the taxpayers.