Meeting Time: March 19, 2024 at 2:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13.B) Proffer Amendment - #REZ2023-00028, Parsons Business Park - Coles Magisterial District - Scott Meyer, Planning - Mobility, Economic Growth, and Resiliency

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    Bruce Seebeck 7 months ago

    I oppose this project. The continuation of oversaturation of data centers to our area impacts many aspects of daily life to include: current and future infrastructure, wildlife migration and habitat destruction, impact to the power grid as we are seeing Loudon County effected by this now due to data center surges. Adding an 80 foot plus data center decimates the rural feel of this area and will only promote the total erasure of rural living in proposed surrounding area. I oppose this project.

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    KRISTINE SEEBECK 7 months ago

    I strongly oppose this project because it does Not align with the Independent Hill Small Area Plan. Data center also contribute to air pollution and water pollution in addition to carbon emissions. The cooling systems used in data centers often release harmful pollutants into the air, contributing to smog and rain acid.

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    Bernadette Varner 7 months ago

    I strongly oppose the development of a data center in this area. I have lived in PWC for over 45 years and have seen a lot of positive development over the years. This would by far have a negative impact for our community. It would be located near Colgan HS, of the county’s top ranked high schools and near established residential neighborhoods, as well as our busy Hellwig Park. This is a very bad decision for our community. Please be mindful of our community and children and vote No.

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    Ella Van Echo 7 months ago

    This would impact the wildlife in the area. This also would not fit in with the community around. There are also many children in the area. With this addition, there would be more cars in the area.

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    Wendy Stearns 7 months ago

    We have lived in the area for more than a decade - please don’t do this to us! I strongly oppose the environmental hazards this project brings to our children and our wildlife. The dimensions of this project are insane - please do not build this in our community. Find another spot.

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    Ellie Lasher 7 months ago

    As a resident of the area for the past 17 years less than 5 miles from this proposed project I STRONGLY oppose. It would destroy the woodsy feel of the area and disturb the wildlife left at this end of the county. We live and work at this end of the county because the less developed area appeal to us. The building of such an eyesore here will drive current residents out and prevent future residents from wanting to move in. Please consider the wishes of the neighbors.

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    Valerie Mamalis 7 months ago

    I am opposed to the large data center - not only due the environmental concerns, footprint and overall ruining the aesthetics of Independent Hill.

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    Joe Mendez 7 months ago

    Please do the right thing and keep this eye sore out of the county! The current landowner doesn’t care about anything but money. We, rely on the elected officials to do what’s best for the county. Putting huge buildings and destroying more wildlife for nothing but greed will not benefit the citizens, only make the rich richer and further pollute our land.

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    Diane Theiss 7 months ago

    As a concerned citizen, I oppose the project due to its misalignment with the Independent Hill Small Area Plan. The zoning commission’s recommended denial underscores flaws. County staff neglected Quantico’s feedback. The developer’s lack of collaboration with residents on proffer concerns is troubling. Their dual role on the Architectural Review Board raises conflict-of-interest questions. Proffer approval could impact future property plans. Despite residents’ pleas for deferral, it was denied.

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    Patrick McWilliams 7 months ago

    Changing to a Large Data Center Farm is not in line with the small area plan or the proffers/restrictions agreed to and in place to address the environmental impact and water concerns of the initial industrial park plan. This large data center plan will be visually intrusive and add to the noise pollution in a largely residential and rural area. They should be visually and screened and further from the roads/schools/neighborhoods while ensuring sound deadening mitigations are in place.

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    Sasha McGlynn 7 months ago

    I oppose! Putting such a tall building in this area will create an eyesore that will easily have a detrimental affect on home values, but more importantly on the happiness of those living around it. Putting a few decorative shrubs in front of it does nothing to fix the vertical landscape it creates. I urge you to place hundreds of feet of tall, dense trees between the road and data centers. In addition, please consider the conflict of interest created by having the developer on the ARB.

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    Selena LeComteRowland 7 months ago

    I oppose this project because it is too close to Dumfries Road. They are not visually appealing and shouldn't be so visible. 85' tall buildings pressed up against the road is absurd, and this data center will not fit the aesthetic of our community. If you're going to make us have a data center in our community, at least put dense trees in front of it so we don't have to see it.

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    Kirsten Rowland 7 months ago

    Buildings this tall, especially data centers, do NOT belong in Independent Hill! They destroy the rural feel of our area. We're talking about the equivalent of an 8 story building! If for some reason the Board allows these tall data centers, then please make them put these tall buildings much further back from 234 and give us some really good screening- tall and dense trees, so we don't have to see or hear these data center monstrosities as we just try to live in peace in our community.

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    William Lewis 7 months ago

    I Oppose this project as it currently stands. PWC is inundated with data centers and it is destroying the character of this county. Specifically, data centers have no business being in the independent hill area that's surrounded by small neighborhoods and schools, particularly one that's 80+ feet tall. If the committee is going to push this through then at least they should require the buffers be made lot larger with dense/tall vegetation to screen it from view as much as possible.

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    Ashley McWilliams 7 months ago

    I oppose this project as it does not adequately address the neighboring residents' #1 concern which is DECREASED QUALITY OF LIFE due to sightlines with 80'+ DATA CENTERS and electrical substations and/or transformers/ transmission lines. Neighboring residents have repeatedly asked for increased buffers along Dumfries Rd to mitigate views of data centers. Developer proposes 50' buffers in case of data center development, only 25% the width of buffers required around Devlin data center park.

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    JAY Van Echo 7 months ago

    I oppose this project.
    -it is not in line with the Independent Hill Small Area Plan
    -the developer requested that the zoning commission recommend denial
    -the county staff did not include comments from Quantico as recommended in the small area plan
    -developer did not work with residents to support this proffer
    -developer has a conflict of interest serving on ARB and will impact future plans on this property if proffers are approved
    -residents requesteddeferral to work on mutual benefit, denied