Meeting Time: May 14, 2024 at 2:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

11.A) PlanningRES - Initiate - Comprehensive Plan Amendment #CPA2024-00003, Hoadly Square - Occoquan Magisterial District - Reza Ramyar, Planning - Mobility, Economic Growth, and Resiliency

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    Randy Hirscher 9 months ago

    I am opposed to this CPA that would eliminate 42 acres of land currently designated as Occoquan Resource Projected Area as approved in December 2022 in the PWC 2040 Comprehensive Plan. This CPA paves the way for rezoning and redevelopment of the Hoadly Square project and are directly adjacent to parcels that are environmentally sensitive, containing an RPA, several streams, a pond, and erodible slopes. Moreover, our Bren Forest properties only have one drinkable water source - well water.