Meeting Time: November 19, 2024 at 2:00pm EST
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Agenda Item

8.G) Special Use Permit Amendment - #SUP2023-00031, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Occoquan Magisterial District - Alex Vanegas, Planning - Mobility, Economic Growth, and Resiliency

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    Andrea Sullivan 3 months ago

    Sullivan part 2

    2. There continue to be incidents on SEAS property including loitering and cars racing around the parking lot. Recommend security cameras are installed including the parking lot and outlying buildings to enhance post-incident police efforts. Please ensure lighting does not face adjacent homes. The current lighting is too tall and brightly shines toward neighboring homes.

    Thank you again to SEAS for the ongoing dialogue.

    The Sullivans
    3135 Rivanna Court

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    Tim Sullivan 3 months ago

    We appreciate SEAS engagement with its neighbors throughout this planning process. Because we can’t attend today’s meeting, we wanted to highlight some considerations as the church finalized its plan.

    1. As SEAS upgrades its perimeter of its property and closes the path to our private pipe stem we request a privacy fence be installed along the church property line. This would serve as a visual, sound, and security buffer between the church property and adjacent residential properties.

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    Jerome Zadnik 3 months ago

    We have lived on Rivanna Ct. for 23 years. The church parking lot is a place to play, walk the dog or take a safe route through the neighborhood because Rivanna Ct. has no sidewalks. Renewal of the outside grounds will reflect well on the neighborhood, provide a safer environment, and discourage unwanted behavior that gravitates toward unkept areas. The columbarium will provide a sense of the sacred, encourage positive, respectful activity and maybe more lighting & cameras.
    Jerry & Vickie Zadnik