We encourage posts that are made in a respectful manner. We do, however, reserve the right to delete any submissions that contain:
Vulgar language, including graphic, obscene, explicit, racist or sexist comments
Personal attacks of any kind
Abusive, hateful or slanderous comments to any person, ethnicity, religion, organization or nation
Comments clearly off topic
Comments that suggest, endorse or encourage illegal activity
Promotion, solicitation or advertisement of particular services, products or political organizations
Infringement of copyrights or trademarks
Personally identifiable or sensitive information, including medical information
Agenda Item
The Board continues to strongly encourage members of the public to communicate with the Board, including via email, SpeakUp!, and during Public Comment Time. Because Board meetings are broadcast live on cable TV and the internet, and past Board meetings are available on the County website, younger members of the public may be listening and/or viewing the meetings, including public comment time. During Public Comment Time, members of the public shall refrain from obscenity or other speech tending to create a breach of the peace, as such language violates the Board’s Rules of Procedure. The Board also strongly encourages speakers during Public Comment Time to follow proper decorum and be respectful to each other; and to refrain from using profanity, as such language is not suitable for younger members of the public who may be viewing and/or listening to the meeting. The Board appreciates the public’s cooperation in communicating important feedback and information to the Board in a positive, productive, and respectful manner.
To register to comment remotely at Public Comment Time or on a Public Hearing, please visit SpeakUp! Prince William
Online registration will open at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11 and close at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 17.