Meeting Time: February 02, 2021 at 2:00pm EST
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Agenda Item

C. ORD – Special Use Permit #SUP2019-00046, Dar Al Noor Mosque Expansion – Coles Magisterial District – Scott Meyer, Planning

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    Najma Khan almost 4 years ago

    I am writing to support the proposed expansion of Dar Alnoor in its entirety. This facility has attracted a large, highly educated, law abiding, humanitarian community, making substantial contribution to PWC tax base and social service. Our government has an obligation to facilitate improvements to cater to its citizens' urgent needs. Dar Alnoor is catering to thousands of fast growing vibrant and diverse community. No sound grounds have been presented for denial by the limited opponents.

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    Devendra Tandekar almost 4 years ago

    I don’t see the reason for expansion the 2 structures are huge and occupy good enough area, expansion will cause more traffic and will be concentrated to certain community individuals, I will leave the area suburban then turn it into a city.

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    Rosalina Velazquez almost 4 years ago

    I’d rather have it the way it is than expand and already crowded area. This will cause the traffic to be worse than it already is. Reading through the proposed plan on expansion, I don’t believe it will benefit the whole community. It will only benefit certain individuals.

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    Mohammad Qaiser almost 4 years ago

    I am fully support the expansion. Dar Al Noor is a community center which serves the community in Prince William County area with many beneficial programs offers such as free food distribution for everyone in the community, health and wellness clinic, helping the needy family, youth engagement programs, and many more. This expansion will not only provide better facility to worship but also will develop Unity in Prince William County community as well as with other community at large.

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    Humaira Ali almost 4 years ago

    Dear CBOS,
    DAR al Noor EXPANSION plans should be approved.ASAP.
    Installation of traffic light should be done without charging Dar al Noor.
    churches do not pick up the tab for traffic lights, they just pay police to help with traffic management
    We do too and we are very thankful to Police for the excellant job..
    Please keep TRUTH and JUSTICE as your guidelines for the decisions you make for Dar al Noor.
    Please do not submit to falcifications and fear mongering and phobia generation.

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    Jahangir Khan almost 4 years ago

    I support the proposed expansion in its entirety. This facility has attracted a large, highly educated, law abiding, humanitarian community, making substantial contribution to PWC tax base and social service. Our government has an obligation to facilitate necessary improvements to cater to its citizens' immediate and pressing needs.
    Traffic congestion and safety have been and will be managed with adequate traffic control measures. Current safety concerns are fabricated/non-existent.
    Thank you

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    Sadaf Hashimi almost 4 years ago

    I fully and wholeheartedly support the expansion, as thousands of other supporters.

    It will
    1. Enhance social/mental well being of everyone especially Children
    2. Provide desperately needed school/daycare
    3. Help Hoadly rd serve its purpose!!
    4. Help United States Maintain freedom of Religion(for those who actually respect this country and its laws/patriots)
    5. Provide the community with free healthcare/food/education
    6. Provide a chance for Muslims to positively contribute
    7. Bring unity

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    Zubaida Bukhari almost 4 years ago

    I am in agreement with the expansion of Dar al Noor because this isn’t just a religious building. It will serve as a community center for many minorities, just as all the large churches in the area do. And with proper planning and more responsible cops (that actually tow and issue tickets), traffic and parking will not be an issue. Just like it is not an issue for a lot of large churches that also provide private schooling, and daycare systems.

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    Carole Ahmed almost 4 years ago

    Dar al Noor has proven to be a wonderful place to raise community-minded Muslim children through its highly successful classes and Scouting programs. Dar al Noor is run by responsible community members who have raised their families in PWC and are committed to the success of our community. Allow the expansion. Their success is our success. The presence of the Muslim community of Dar Al Noor has contributed to the improvement and diversity of PWC, making us a “Community of Choice.”

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    Nancy Lyall almost 4 years ago

    Dar Al-Noor should be able to expand the mosque as planned. These plans have been scrutinized and approved by both VDOT and PWC with traffic concerns in mind. Many of the traffic concerns will be alleviated by the expansion. This mosque provides the county with a rich religious, cultural and social center. Let's not hide behind "safety issues" that have already been addressed as a means to discriminate against our Muslim community. Veiled discrimination is still discrimination.

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    Jamaluddin Meraj almost 4 years ago

    I fully support expansion as it include “prayer hall,multipurpose hall, youth&senior center,meeting rooms,play areas,childcare and/or private school, auditorium,and medical clinic” that will benefit community as a whole.

    FYI,Noor is not adding traffic at any peak time.For large events Friday,Ramadan&Eid Noor will provide min of six offduty POs for traffic control.Additionally,the PWCDOT&PD shall also review the Traffic&Parking Plan on an ongoing basis to ensure that resources remain sufficient.

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    Kenneth and Janie Harris almost 4 years ago

    The proposed expansion is large scale from 12000 to 88276 sq ft. Safety and the ease of exiting the communities is a concern. There is currently insufficient road infrastructure on Hoadly Road. What's needed is an easement. Bring a road from the back of the Mosque behind the horse stable and homeowner onto Galveston Court. At Galveston Court and Hoadly Road is a traffic light. This new road intersecting into Galveston Court would ease some of the traffic occurring at the Mosque.

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    Steve Dixon almost 4 years ago

    I support the Dar Al-Noor mosque expansion. The congregation and leadership are responsible members of PWC. To out advantage, we are a growing and diverse community. Thus, the appropriate expansion of the religious facilities of all faiths is consistent with this growth and diversity. Regretfully, some members of PWC do not accept that diversity is desirable on both moral and practical grounds. I urge each BOCS member to reject opposition to the mosque expansion as mostly religious bigotry.

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    Elizabeth Johnson almost 4 years ago

    I support the expansion because Dal al Noor is a integral part of the community and provides resources to all community members. As a culturally christian person I see absolutely no reason we should not welcome our Muslim neighbors. The traffic concern is a front for islamophobes to hide behind.

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    Andra Stamps almost 4 years ago

    I oppose the huge change in scale from 12k to 88k in itself. I would support 2x not 7x the 12k.Though favoritism may be fashionable, my understanding of the law is all are absolutely equal and none is special. Any private organization requesting a 6-7x scale jump dropped into an established area would alert me to an important lack of consideration regarding the pace and balance of what's already there. That's a big leap and a big impact on everything from roads to roominess. Not 88k, much less.

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    Terry Reeves almost 4 years ago

    Expansion of DAN is noble/ worthy quest. Current process flawed as is. More considera-tion should be given 2 dvlpment of svc rd & adequate on-site pkg. U shouldn't burden residents w/fiting 4 pkg spaces in their own lots. Not fair/ right. Local residents also concerned abt safety issues re: influx of pedestrians running across Hoadly Rd, in front of hi speed traffic in bad weather/ dark of nite. U can't bury ur heads in sand & pretend problems don't exist & just sweep under rug/ ignore.

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    Khalilullah Ghani almost 4 years ago

    I support the expansion of Dar Al Noor because this facility is more than just a mosque for our community, this is where our kids learn, play sports and socialize. Like everyone else in the county, we deserve to have a community center that can fulfill our needs. I believe it is unfair to link Hoadly road traffic issues with the expansion of Dar Al Noor, the opposing party is just using traffic as an excuse against the expansion project. Dar Al Noor is not adding traffic at any peak time.

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    Tamim Meherzad almost 4 years ago

    I support the expansion of Dar Al Noor because this facility is more than just a mosque for our community, this is where our kids learn, play sports and socialize. Like everyone else in the county, we deserve to have a community center that can fulfill our needs. I believe it is unfair to link Hoadly road traffic issues with the expansion of Dar Al Noor, the opposing party is just using traffic as an excuse against the expansion project. Dar Al Noor is not adding traffic at any peak time.

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    Mohammad Ashraf almost 4 years ago

    I support expansion of Dar Al Noor Mosque Expansion; this is in accordance with our freedom of religion living as responsible citizens in the United States of America. I believe this institution will open a doorway towards light, hope and love for our community and our country. Dar Al Noor has been exemplary in providing care and extending hand to our community. Please let this expansion project happen that would serve as a great source for tolerance and diversity in our beloved country.

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    Ehsan Islam almost 4 years ago

    As a community member I fully support this expansion