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Discussion: Park Bond Projects

The park bond projects currently under consideration would require up to $200 million of contracted debt to fund the costs for acquisition, design, construction, equipment and improvements for parks facilities.

Presentation to the Board of County Supervisors - May 7, 2019

Prince William County Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey – Spring 2019


Description: Advance numerous off-road trail projects in various stages of completion and open space acquisition

Allowance: $23.6 million 

Project Duration: 120 months

2 Responses

elaine stillwell about 5 years ago

This may not be the place to express this, but here goes...I would like to see a walk and bike path along Wellington Road, to connect with path along University Blvd @ Sudley Manor; and in the opposite direction connecting to Jiffy Lube Live and on to the Gainesville shops. If not in this package, perhaps a future consideration. Thank you.

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Yasmin Bordas about 5 years ago

We need a bike trail to connect Hoadly Rd at 234 with Hoadly Rd at the Prince William Parkway. Ideally, there should be a loop along Hoadly, the PW parkway, and down Minnieville to 234. This would enable residents to ride bike to the shopping center on Hoadley and 234, to the county complex, and Chinn Center.

There should also be a bike trail that starts at 234, goes along old 234 (Dumfries rd near the county fairgrounds) and into downtown Manassas. Residents would love to be able to bike to the downtown area.

We should also coordinate with the National Park service to create a bike trail between Hellwig Park and the new trailhead on 619 for Prince William Forest.

The county also needs to look at pedestrian traffic (teenagers) walking from Colgan to Benton and Coles. These kids are walking alongside 234 (north bound) and then alongside Hoadly (which is also a 50 mph road). There is currently no safe way for kids to get from one school to another.

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