I would like to see Prince William County begin the process of considering setting aside funds for the construction of dedicated lighted outdoor pickleball courts in the southeast corner of the county. Pickleball is among the fastest growing sports in the country and is particularly popular with persons over the age of 50. It is a source of exercise and comraderie among its participants that is otherwise largely unavailable unappealing to this age group. It is also a low cost means of introducing school age children to a form of exercise that will have them engaged and eager to leave their cell phones and video games alone for awhile. I would appreciate an opportunity to speak on behalf of our pickleball community at the next open Board of Supervisors meeting. Thank you, Dan Tomlinson, email wuffo1@aol.com ×

13 Votes Created
Mike Herrick over 6 years ago

Many senior pickleball players would be greatly accomodated by some dedicated Pickleballcourts in the PWC. non currently exist . Many underutlized tennis courts could be convertedor made dual use at no cost really to this much more playable sport that so many are finding great way to get exercise we all to to maintain our health !!

jon howey over 6 years ago

I agree with Dan's comments 100% about the desire to have Prince William County construct outdoor pickleball courts that would be accessible to all. We’ve been told how important daily exercise is to good health. Yet it can be challenging to find an activity that keeps you coming back day after day. Pickleball is a fun sport that is getting people off the couch and outside. It has changed my life and it is a craze that is sweeping the nation. There are already a large number of pickleball participants in the Woodbridge area and their numbers are increasing rapidly. An outdoor pickleball facility would serve the citizens of the county well.

Barbara Tyrrell over 6 years ago

  Pickleball is inclusive, accessible, non-elitist sport that transcends social and economic barriers. Playing styles vary widely, even at the highest levels. Many top players have no past racquet or paddle sport experience and have limited athletic abilities. But the best part Pickleball build communities. PWC is behind the curve when it come to this sport with a funny name, lets help bring them forward.

Lucille Selfridge over 6 years ago

I definitely agree with the need for construction of dedicated outdoor lighted pickleball courts in eastern PWC. The abandoned tennis courts at the Ferlazzo Building are a perfect candidate for the first public pickleball courts in our area. Renovation of these courts could easily result in the availability of multiple smaller pickleball courts within the same fenced-in area. The cost in time and resources of such a renovation would obviously be much less than starting from scratch. Pickleball attracts players of all ages, and is especially attractive to seniors even into their 80’s. It’s an excellent way to learn new skills, meet new people, get out, and have fun. Pickleball is rapidly growing in Northern Virginia, and Prince William County should not be left behind.

Linda Rice over 6 years ago

I totally agree that having dedicated pickleball courts in PW county would be a great idea! There are already a lot of people in our area who are already involved, and having dedicated courts would surely draw more people to join in the fun. Not only is it fun, but it is a wonderful way for people to meet others and become socially involved. I also agree that introducing this sport in schools would be beneficial to children who are not currently involved in some of the more traditional sports that are offered. This is a game that many different skill sets can get involved in, which overall contributes to better mental and physical health. I would also be interested in volunteering for fundraising efforts to help contribute to the cause.

Cindy Welch over 6 years ago

Pickleball is currently the fastest growing sport in America. It is outgrowing tennis by leaps and bounds. Soon PWC is going to be overrun with players in need of dedicated courts. On Fridays we maxed out the indoor courts in less than 8 weeks, with 40 people vying for play on just 3 courts! Beginner and intermediate lessons are gaining momentum exponentially, but without high quality, dedicated pickleball courts, these players are going to be forced to look outside the county for venues. 7 pickleball courts at the Ferlazzo is a great start for this fast-growing sport! Cities like Fredericksburg have realized the need and opened 8 dedicated courts this spring, Chesterfield Co. had 8 courts in Rockwood Park from 2014 to 2017, but by August of 2018, the greater Richmond area will have 26 dedicated outdoor pickleball courts. The Ferlazzo outdoor venue is perfect in terms of location, parking, and visibility to the community. Believe me when I tell you, if you build it, they will come!

Dr Arnold Levin over 6 years ago

As a practicing physician and a resident of Prince William County, I strongly support the availability of dedicated indoor and outdoor pickleball courts. The health benefits of this sport are far reaching. This sport is easy on the joints of the body. Furthermore, it offers great aerobic activity with cardiovascular advantages.

Carol Smith over 6 years ago

We would love to have dedicated pickleball courts in the South East Prince William County. Our number of players are growing and we need outdoor facilities for play. Pickleball is a game for all ages and is a blast to play. I've never met anyone who didn't love it. It helped me cope after the loss of my husband and I've met many new friends. It's a great way for people and retired people to connect with the community, learn new skills, laugh, and enjoy the outdoors. Please give us some courts.

Ellen Levin over 6 years ago

As a recent pickleball enthusiast, I would love to see our county make dedicated pickleball courts available. Pickleball is a highly enjoyable sport that offers great exercise benefits. The game is easy to learn and the equipment is not very expensive to buy. Individually, all one needs is an appropriate paddle and a few wiffle-type balls. Over the years, I have often wondered what is the best exercise I can do for myself. I have come to realize that it is something that I love so much that I look forward to exercising several times a week. Pickleball is the answer! We need courts. Thank you.

Dan Tomlinson over 6 years ago

Congratulations to all of your who have commented on this initiative and voted in favor of seeing this initiative come to fruition. In addition to the nine comments we have received so far, more than 70 people have voted in favor of it. That exceeds the size of our Woodbridge area emailing list and we have done it in just over 24 hours!

I would also like to note that this appears to be the very first submission of an "Idea" through PWC's SpeakUp forum. I bet they will be pleased with the success they are achieving in getting the public engaged with our local Government through this medium.

Gil Sanchez over 6 years ago

I am a relative newcomer to the sport of Pickleball having never heard of the game until two months ago. When I was first told about the game I became immediately interested and went to the Ferlazzo building gym to see first hand how the game was played. After witnessing play for awhile and the interaction of the players it did not take long for me to decide this was the game for me. I have been taking lessons and enjoying play every since. Pickleball offers exercise and friendly competition, two things that are very important for a senior citizen like me. I live at the Harbors of Newport in Woodbridge, not far from the Ferlazzo building, and have often observed sadly the unkempt and deteriorating tennis courts there. I cannot help but wonder why the PWC government has allowed these courts to lie fallow for so many years. I wholeheartedly support the idea of refurbishing the courts and turning them into state of the art Pickleball courts which could be enjoyed by children and adults of all ages and skill levels. For example, next to the existing courts at Ferlazzo is an Adult Day Care center. Once the courts are ready for play these seniors that go there could simply walk over the courts and hit the polymer ball around for recreation. I urge the PW Board of Supervisors to approve adequate funding to convert a presently unused facility to multiple vibrant Pickleball courts for the use of residents. I do believe that the benefits gained will far outweigh the costs incurred.

Rosemary Enright over 6 years ago

I agree with the effort to provide dedicated outdoor courts for the fun sport of Pickleball in Prince William County. Placing courts in a convenient, safe location would attract many players from all age groups. I hear that Metz Middle School has dedicated outdoor pickleball courts at the school in the city of Manassas. Another consideration would be to convert several of the existing Parks and Rec outdoor tennis courts around the county to multipurpose courts and paint lines for both tennis and Pickleball. Two Pickleball courts can fit on one tennis court with the use of portable nets for Pickleball, but then players have to have access to the portable net. So ideally, putting in dedicated Pickleball courts next to the Ferlazzo building would be fantastic.

Noel Lowery over 6 years ago

I am the president of the SFS Pickleball Club (Stafford, Fredeicksburg and Spotsy). When we began 3 years ago we started with about 20 members and 1 dedicated Pickleball court located in Fredericksburg Virginia. Today we have over 250 member and Kenmore Park in Fredericksburg now has 5 dedicated Pickleball courts which 4 more in the future. We run ladders, tournaments, lessons, and clinics there throughout the year. The city of Fredericksburg and worked with the Pickleball community to collaboratly to grow Pickleball for all ages and everyone has benefited greatly.

The one thing that our area does not have are lit Pickleball court. I feel that that could set you apart from all the counties between Richmond and Baltimore. I know a lot of commuters would stop in PWC to play Pickleball and have dinner on their way home. You have a wonderful opportunity with all the attractions (restaurants, movies and shopping) to make PWC a stop for everyone who plays and will start playing Pickleball! Pickle On, Noel Lowery

Ngoc Kolbenschlag over 6 years ago

I agree with the need for construction of dedicated outdoor pickleball courts in Prince William county because it will provide a place for people over 50 and retirees to exercise, play sport, meet friends, which will improve their physical as well as their mental well being. Meeting friends ,sharing common interest in sport, reaching out to each other via communication in person or texting, spending time with each other after pickleball on Friday afternoon at the restaurant as we called it “Dink & Dine” it was so much fun and strengthen our friendship strongly in no time. The benefits of having dedicated outdoor pickleball courts also help seniors a place to go, out of their home and able to get over their loneliness, isolation after retiring from work or becoming empty nested after their children left home. The dedicated pickleball court is one of the places where seniors in Prince William county need and wish to be built as soon as possible.

Patrick Armstrong over 6 years ago

As has been addressed in the previous comments, pickleball is a great sport for seniors. In addition, there is a surge of younger players that have taken to the sport, nationally, within the state and here in PWC. However, it is difficult for those players to find places to play after work. It would be very beneficial for this group to have access to dedicated pickleball courts, especially lighted ones, that would allow them to play at the times that are conducive to their schedules.

Joyce Rath over 6 years ago

I also agree with the previous comments, we need more Pickleball courts in PWC. We love the indoor courts at Ferlazzo but real outdoor Pickleball ball courts would compliment the experience. Please help us grow this sport in our county.

Margaret Hawkins over 6 years ago

I heartily agree with the comments posted above that there is a need for more Pickleball courts in PWC - particularly outdoor courts. My husband and I are considering moving to the area and an important need is to have accessible Pickleball courts. As an avid player I can attest to the fact that the game improves fitness, reflexes, and coordination; plus the huge benefit of camaraderie.

Mike Kline over 6 years ago

Pickleball is a sport that started in most areas among the retired community. Many are former players of other racquet sports who still wanted to play a competitive game. As we play on self made courts in eastern PW Co , on tennis courts, we kept data comparing the use of the courts by Pickleball players and tennis players. The data can be made available upon request, but the courts are overwhelmingly being used by Pickleball players and not by tennis players. As we have been playing, the player age has significantly decreased and there are now 20 somethings and 30 somethings out there Pickling. Couple that with the fact that physical ed classes in schools are starting to teach the game, the need for dedicated courts are in much demand. Jurisdictions that have dedicated courts host tournaments which brings in the revenue of out of town players who use hotels and restaurants. Pickleball is only going to grow. PW Co has an opportunity to be on the forefront to help plan for the future. Many “adult only communities” want Pickleball as an amenity. By building dedicated Pickleball courts, The County can use this as a leverage point for the coveted “private/ public partnership”. To use the line from the movie Field of Dreams- “If you build it, they will come.”

David Bartee over 6 years ago

I grew up in Prince William County and still have many family and friends that I visit on a regular basis. Having recreational facilities to support sports and fitness that multiple age groups and genders can share is a tremendous benefit to all residents and their families and friends. With the baby boomer generation now exploding onto the retirement scene, it is important to find recreational activities that everyone can participate with. Pickleball offers these benefits, does not require a significant amount of time or money (such as golf or tennis) and can be played indoors and outdoors. It is also a great workout and simply fun. I highly encourage PW County to consider researching and expanding Pickleball facilities throughout the county, both indoors and out. The overall health benefits are a significant return-on-investment that reaches far beyond the Pickleball venues!

Suzy Barker over 6 years ago

All counties should be seriously considering installing dedicated pickleball courts. But especially Prince William County- as your mission statement and vision begin the paving for approving this request:

“MISSION STATEMENT The Prince William County Department of Public Works does the right thing for the community by creating and sustaining the best environment in which to live, work and play. We protect and improve our natural and historic resources, adopt and enforce codes and regulations, and build and maintain the infrastructure needed for employees to serve our community.    VISION STATEMENT We, as Public Works staff, pledge to continue to build public confidence, conquer all challenges, and demand the best of ourselves.    We will honor our pledge by empowering all employees to provide information and services that exceed our customers’ expectations and make our community the best.   Public Works pursues excellence and will be recognized as a leader for our innovative strategies and programs.”

The benefits of promoting a healthy constituency far outweigh the cost of building and maintaining these courts.

Kids to seniors will be able to join in the indoor/outdoor fun! The interest is growing so fast, and its easy to see why. The range of activity level for pickleball is about the same as tennis- can be played as singles or doubles, as vigorous as bat mitten or racquetball, so it appeals to a wide range of players. And players willing to pay a fee at your facilities from outside your county.

Pickleball gets people of all ages out from the glare of a computer/tv, off the couch, and facilitates losing weight, dropping high blood pressure ,cholesterol, and A1C levels. In this age of increasing obesity and Type II diabetes diagnoses, the cure of dedicated courts in your county is a no brainer.

Wouldn’t it be great to add “Pickleball” on your website under Recreation, Sports, Health and Wellness, and Senior Programs?

This is truly an opportunity for you to exemplify your belief in your mission and in your vision of being a leader of contemporary county administration.
