


I find this "idea" and the "support" for this entire proposal concerning. It is clear that this is an attempt by a small vocal group to manipulate a system for their personal demands without any thought being given toward the big picture. "Speak up!" was put in place obtain feedback from the masses, not bend to the will of a few.

Let's logically explore this idea of brand new, outdoor lighted pickleball-specific courts. Has consideration been given that this would not be a multifunctional space in any capacity? Has consideration been given that a facility such as this would become unavailable seasonally (or, for that matter, potentially have a significant cost to enclose - not to mention maintain - considering Virginia's climate/seasonal weather conditions)?

The focus of PWC should be on maintaining, improving and expanding what is already in place within the county before a project of this nature is even allowed. Were is the support for the current facilities that work diligently to serve the specific demographics you mention? The fact that many of these current facilities have been neglected by the tax payers over the years should be highlighted before the discussion of throwing money into development of something new is even suggested! Outrageous.


Mr. Tomlinson, I'm happy to see your response and I'm glad you welcome the opportunity to logically explore options. I see where you are coming from in regards to the advancement of the sport of pickle ball much like other sports in previous history. I agree that it's important to have vision and determination toward a positive end.

I'm especially pleased to see you use the word "repurposing" as that seems a much more conservative approach. When you state that "our desire is to bring new life to one of more of those facilities," why is that the first time this seemed to be mentioned? I did not see that in the original or subsequent posts until now.

Being a PWC native, born and raised, I have seen many things come and go - much like what you describe as the Tennis peak and subsequent decline. For that reason, and other similar cases such as that, in particular I think it's important to explore multi-use spaces/facilities and repurposing.

Anything is bound to ebb and flow, that's just natural. So, yes, why not look at some of the current courts throughout the county? Additionally, why not look at working cooperatively with organizations within the county, specifically the schools, whose sport-specific facilities become underutilized in off-season and summer months? Encourage business to explore more cooperative agreements with PWC - there are many private facilities within the county that are significantly underutilized because they require membership of some type.

I'm all for people being involved and advocating for causes that are important to them, however, I know first-hand I've witnessed several of the individuals named in this feed above become belligerent, aggressive, demanding and unreasonable when even the slightest consideration is given to anyone other than themselves (i.e. multi-use/purpose/shared facilities).

It's worth mentioning that I hope many of these individuals do more than just read the PWC mission statement and twist it to fit their cause, rather they take the time to read the detailed budget report and, most specifically, the vision and values of PWC. This is the way the county has decided to move forward and the causes they have thrown their support behind.

Go to the people who work with the county and ask what you can do to advocate/collaborate. Don't simply walk in and demand that changes be made to accommodate something that just so happens to be trending at the moment.
