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The road bond projects under consideration would require up to $400 million of contracted debt to issue general obligation capital improvement bonds to fund the costs for acquisition, design, construction and improvements.

Presentation to the Board of County Supervisors - May 7, 2019


Four-lane widening of Devlin Road, which will connect to the Balls Ford Road Interchange and improves access to Prince William Parkway and I-66

Description: Widen to 4-lanes from Linton Hall Rd to Wellington Rd with a sidewalk and shared use path. Total project length of 1.8 miles.

Approximate Project Cost: $50,000,000

Project Duration: 4 to 6 years

Existing Funding: $12.5 million RSTP (Federal) funding. Eligible for other funding.

1 Responses

Mark Scheufler almost 6 years ago

Instead of this project, I recommend connecting Balls Ford Road with Rollins Ford Road. This will help reduce traffic on Linton Hall Road. Devlin Road dead ends at Linton Hall Road. Devlin Road is adequate as a two lane road.

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